Creating 3D Objects

Assignment 5

1.Design a nametag for your keychain. Follow the specifications and guildlines.

2.Design a fidget spinner using a roller-skate bearing and M8 nuts.

Key Tag

I created a new design file and saved it. Started sketch and chose to sketch on X-Y Plane. I then fillet the edges and then offset it to make the inner part of the keytag. I also drew a circle for the keyhole and finally cut out the unnecessary parts.

Extruded the outer part of the key tag first to 4mm and then extruded the inner part to 3mm. I then started a new sketch on the inner part and created a text of my name, and then extruded it afterwards

Changed the appearance of my key tag and then exported it

Final Product

  • Key Tag Fusion File
  • Fidget Spinner

    I Created a new design file and saved it. Started sketch and chose to sketch on X-Y Plane. Drew 2 circles as the bearing, another big circle to use as guidelines

    Drew one arm of the fidget spinner and added hex nuts

    Pressed create and used the circular pattern function to make multiple arms

    Ended sketch and extruded the necessary fidget spinner part to 8mm

    Sketched on the fidget spinner to add designs to make it look nicer

    Changed the colour of my fidget spinner

    Final Product

  • Fidget Spinner Fusion File